Privacy Policy for Mutual Fund Return Calculator

Last Updated: 31st July 2023

Thank you for using the Mutual Fund Return Calculator app ("we," "our," or "the app"). This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information we receive from users of the app.

1. Information We Collect

At present, the Mutual Fund Return Calculator app does not require any special permissions or collect any personal information from its users. The app operates locally on your device and does not transmit or store any user data externally.

2. Use of XIRR Formula

The app utilizes the XIRR (Extended Internal Rate of Return) formula to calculate mutual fund returns based on the data you input. This data remains strictly confined to your device and is not accessed or shared by the app developers.

3. Future Data Collection and Usage

In the future, we may introduce optional features that enable you to store and access your historical mutual fund return calculations. These features would be designed to enhance user experience, and any data collected will be treated with utmost confidentiality. In such an event, we will update this Privacy Policy to inform you about the types of data we collect, how it will be used, and the choices you have regarding its usage.

4. Data Security

Data security is a top priority for us. If, in the future, we collect any information, we will implement reasonable security measures to protect it from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

5. Third-Party Services

The Mutual Fund Return Calculator app does not currently integrate with any third-party services or APIs for data collection or analytics.

6. Children's Privacy

The Mutual Fund Return Calculator app is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years old. If you are under 13, please do not use this app or provide any information.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated policy within the app. Your continued use of the app after any such changes will signify your acceptance of the modified Privacy Policy.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at

By using the Mutual Fund Return Calculator app, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Please review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we handle your information.